Yeah, kindof trippy looking! It was off to the dentist we went. It turned out that she was going to need her 2 front baby teeth pulled out to make room for them. I couldn't believe my baby had to do that! So we made another appointment and I dreaded for the day to come (silently)
She started out pretty good. I was soo proud of her.
But then the Dr. came in and that was a different story! It was sooo sad! She was crying and screaming for mama!! Oh, I was so glad when it was over! That purple box is where they put her 2 teeth in. See the red eyes and drying tears? yah, torture for me! Luckily, I told her we were gonna get ice cream! And get a visit from the tooth fairy!
What a doll! She got a toy from the tooth fairy and some change! Oh she was super excited! She even got up in the middle of the night, turned on the light to look at her fortune!! Haha